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Nino Talikadze


Gender inequality is not new to the world. It really exists and is faced by all women in every country in the world. The World Economic Forum predicts another, 99.5 years is needed to eliminate existing economic inequality between women and men.

It has been argued that one of the indicators of gender inequality is the gap between wages. This article discusses the trends of labor market regarding the gender differences in Georgia, also the article discusses world experience and etc.

According to the latest data, the average monthly nominal salary of a man is 458 GEL more than the average salary of a woman, which is about 1.6 times higher. However, the difference between the salaries of men and women is reduced by the ratio. If we assume that this trend will continue, then the gap between women's and men's wages should be equal to zero  after about 28 years.

The Gini Index, calculated to determine the magnitude of the inequality between women's and men's wages, was 11% in 2018 and 15% in 2008. During this period, the issue regarding the inequality of salaries has relatively improved. This is confirmed by the improved performance of Georgia's regarding the Global Gender Inequality Report 2020.

Agriculture, hunting and forestry, public administration, education, transport and communications, these are potential economic areas in which we can achieve equality between women’s and men’s wages in the short term and eliminate existing differences.

The next stage of the research will be to analyze these data in more depth and to include factors such as the level of education, work experience, age, etc.